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Windows Server 2022 Standard (Digital License) السعر الأصلي هو: 1500.00 EGP.السعر الحالي هو: 319.00 EGP.
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Windows 11 Pro best price + McAfee Total Protection (1 Device - 2 Years) السعر الأصلي هو: 450.00 EGP.السعر الحالي هو: 306.00 EGP.

Windows 11 Pro (Digital License)

(16 مراجعة)

Get the latest Windows experience with the Windows 11 Pro (Digital License). Enjoy improved security, updated features, and Microsoft’s latest tools.

Instant email delivery

An instant activation key is sent to your email in case of payment by credit card.

Excellent technical support

Our support is available daily from 10 am to 10 pm GMT+2

Authentic Software

All products are original and you download the product from the original website of the program.

Warranty 100%

You are covered by a real warranty.

السعر الأصلي هو: 350.00 EGP.السعر الحالي هو: 186.00 EGP.

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22 متوفر في المخزون

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Windows 11 Pro: Unleash Productivity and Creativity with the Ultimate Operating System

In the realm of operating systems, Windows 11 Pro stands out as a pinnacle of innovation and user-centric design. Tailored for professionals and businesses, this edition redefines the computing experience, offering a seamless blend of performance, security, and creativity.

Let’s explore the key features that make Windows 11 Pro the go-to choice for those who demand the best.

Windows 11 Pro

Aesthetic Elegance and User-Centric Design:

Windows 11 Pro introduces a visually stunning and user-centric design that transforms the way you interact with your device. The Start Menu is centered, providing a clean and organized layout for quick access to your favorite apps and files.

The redesigned taskbar, vibrant themes, and intuitive navigation create an immersive computing environment that enhances both productivity and enjoyment.

Enhanced Productivity with Snap Layouts and Snap Groups:

Multitasking has never been smoother. Windows 11 Pro introduces Snap Layouts and Snap Groups, allowing you to organize and manage multiple windows effortlessly.

Snap Layouts provide a quick way to arrange and snap windows into customizable layouts, while Snap Groups enable you to switch between groups of apps, streamlining your workflow and boosting productivity.

Performance that Elevates Your Work:

Windows 11 Pro is engineered for optimal performance. From faster startup times to improved multitasking capabilities, every aspect is designed to enhance your work experience.

The integration of DirectStorage technology ensures that applications load faster, enabling you to focus on your tasks without unnecessary delays. This performance boost is a game-changer for professionals who demand efficiency.

Secure and Seamless Logins with Windows Hello:

Security is a top priority, and Windows 11 Pro incorporates advanced features to safeguard your data. Windows Hello, with its facial recognition and fingerprint scanning capabilities, provides a secure and convenient way to log in to your device.

Say goodbye to passwords and welcome a more secure and hassle-free authentication process.

Advanced Security with BitLocker:

Protecting sensitive data is paramount, and Windows 11 Pro includes BitLocker, a robust encryption feature that safeguards your files and documents.

Whether you’re working on confidential business reports or creative projects, BitLocker ensures that your data remains secure, even if your device falls into the wrong hands.

Seamless Integration with Microsoft 365:

Windows 11 Pro seamlessly integrates with Microsoft 365, empowering professionals with a suite of productivity tools.

From collaborative document editing in real-time to efficient communication through Teams integration, this operating system is designed to enhance your workflow. Enjoy the full spectrum of Microsoft 365 applications with the power of Windows 11 Pro.

Gaming Excellence with DirectStorage and Auto HDR:

For those who appreciate gaming, Windows 11 delivers an immersive experience. DirectStorage technology accelerates game load times, providing a smoother and more responsive gaming environment.

Auto HDR enhances the visual experience, bringing games to life with vibrant colors and dynamic contrast. Windows 11 Pro isn’t just for work; it’s a playground for gamers.

Keyword Placement for SEO:

  • Windows 11 Pro
  • Operating system
  • Productivity
  • Multitasking
  • Performance
  • Security
  • Windows Hello
  • BitLocker
  • Microsoft 365 integration
  • DirectStorage
  • Auto HDR
  • Professional use

Windows 11 Pro


Windows 11 Pro is more than an operating system; it’s a tool crafted for professionals who seek excellence in performance, security, and creativity. Elevate your computing experience with the visually stunning design, advanced productivity features, and robust security protocols of Windows 11 Pro.

Whether you’re working on critical business tasks or indulging in gaming adventures, this operating system ensures that you do it with style and efficiency. Upgrade to Windows 11  and discover a new era of computing excellence.

Windows 10 Pro Online (Digital License)

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